Tuesday, November 07, 2006

6:00 - Shell station, Lineville

Three people were in the Lineville gas station about an hour before polls closed. I asked the first one, "Did you vote?"

"I'm not registered," he said, although 18 had passed some years back. "I don't really care, and I don't think voting anyone in will change anything."

I asked the second one, "Did you vote?"

"Oh yes," he said.
"Democrat or Republican?"
"Mixed. People ask me how I vote and I tell them, 'my way.'" He thought about skipping this November 7 altogether because things got so negative. But then he decided to vote for the candidates that were the least ugly to the other guy - and that meant some Ds and some Rs.

I asked the third one, "Did you vote?"

"No time," he said.

Two young guys sat outside with windows rolled down in shiny, six cylinder, pick-ups. They played their tunes loud and yelled across to one another in conversation.
"Did you vote?" I yelled.
"Not registered," one answered.
"Not 18 yet?"
"Yeah, I'm 18, I just haven't got around to it," he said.
"People are dying so you can get around to it," I said. "Maybe you should find some time."


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