Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Boxing match

Bill Edwards, who compiles The Star's "On This Day in History" section (sorry, Star subscribers only), notes that democracy didn't come easy 75 years ago.

An item from the Sep. 17, 1931 edition of The Star notes that all of the state's metal election boxes were in the hands of a Senate committee in Washington, being inspected as part of a disputed election. When the state needed to hold an election Nov. 3 for a road bond issue, officials had to construct a whole new set of boxes. And when we say boxes, we mean six-sided wooden cubes with a slot at the top. Then, for a Nov. 10 election, the state had to construct another complete set of boxes for a vote on a state inheritance tax. That meant someone in Calhoun County had to hammer together 84 boxes in a hurray for the 42 local polling places.

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